Wednesday 4 December 2013

what if?

What if the world stopped turning because I stopped worrying about things?

What if my energy levels dropped too low because I was not trying to figure out how to maintain them?
What if my future options became too limited and I then had cause for regret because I did not furiously research every possible opportunity?
What if my health suffers later because I did not enforce enough discipline now?
What if all my relationships flounder because I did not dedicate enough energy and attention to each of them?
What if I am impatient and unkind and insensitive because I can't solve the world's (my small world's) hurt?
What if I am not the father I want to be because I fixate on avoiding the things I do not want to be?
What if I wasn't content because I so anxiously tried to avoid discontent?


What if we breathed slower and deeper, and relaxed before we made the effort to worry?
What if we embraced our bed tonight, and not our tiredness tomorrow?
What if we believed that tomorrow's path would unfold by itself?
What if we were here and present with those around us now?
What if we enjoyed today's strength, and didn't scold today's weakness?
What if we hoped and trusted instead of acting with suspicion and doubt?
What if we lived as if change is always possible?

Hope fades into the world of night
Through shadows falling out of memory and time
Don't say, We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again

And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

                                                                                               (A. Lennox, Into the West)

God, let our weakness fade in the tide of your strength,
Let our doubts be submerged in your hope,
May our failures disappear over the waterfall of your ever-new beginnings,
And let our fears sink in the stillness of your peace.


  1. 'It would seem to make common sense to begin to think of our goals as representing the hope of a new way of being, rather than an escape from the old.'
    From 'Overcoming Worry' by Kevin Meares and Mark Freeston.

  2. What a wise (and lovely) lady you are.
