Tuesday 7 January 2014

my year of gratitude

This entry has been difficult to write. It's taken me three days.

I am struggling with the question as to why we find it so hard to be thankful and express gratitude for the good in our lives, yet find it easy to identify and complain about what we do not like.

I wrote a philosophical tome (well, a blog-tome) on the subject;  it was heavy and cyclical and swamp-like and too cerebral for any practical purpose. It wasn't really practicing the simple life. Deleting something can be very cathartic sometimes.

Maybe someone is trying to tell me something; if so, it is a good thing. For Christmas I received three presents which pointed me towards considering happiness and gratitude, and their inter-relation: a gratitude journal; 365 Gratefuls, by Hailey Bartholomew (http://365grateful.com/homepage.htm); and The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin.

In 2014 I am going to write down three things every day that I am grateful for. I want my outlook to go from lazy, un-monitored complaining to disciplined, proactive identification of the beauty and goodness in my life each day. Here are some for today:

How different do you think your life would look if you practiced gratitude? Do you think 'practicing' detracts from the spontaneity of thankfulness?


  1. Bens had a blog years ago where all the visitors were encouraged to say 3 things they were thankful for that day. I like your 3 things for today!!

  2. Have you read the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp? I think you and Eva would love it!! Your post goes right along with it.

  3. I have found that practicing gratitude has actually made me more aware and more spontaneous of everyday things to be grateful for....including those special times when God seems to illuminate nature's scenery just for me! Also includes gratitude for special friends who are on the other side of the world who stay in our hearts and thoughts!!

    1. I agree. I think making it a discipline helps us more naturally note other things more naturally for which we can be thankful.
